I often got into trouble but you kept cool
You motivated me when I failed school 
Because you know that I’m no fool
You never lift a finger although I make you pissed
Cause you know words are greater than the fist 

You are what I want to be
I want to be just like you and live happily
But somehow life doesn’t look like what I expected to be
You are here to coordinate my life.

I guess you really knew me
Because when I looked back, all you did was because of me
You put everything you got so I can live life successfully
You planned everything for me, so my future shines brightly 

You are my father, you are my hero
You are the one that built me from ground zero
You give your undying love for me
Without expecting more out of me

You are always in my heart, although we are far apart
I am what I am from your words and your heart
Preaching me all day to get me through life
Because I know without it, I might be at at the end of a knife 

Can’t imagine my life without you
It would be a sorrowful life and there is no one to replace you
But I know, someday will come
I just hope I will be ready to be what you want me to become

When I have a son, I will tell him great stories of grandpa
I will raise him like you raise me
I hope that day, we will as equal and at par
Because I want my son to feel the love you gave me

If I die before you, let it be known you had done a great job as a father,
You are my only one and I wouldn’t ask for any other,
I’m sorry you had to bare watching me to being buried
Just pray for my peace, when I am being carried,

I love you Dad, forever and ever,
I’m sorry I rarely these words when now I’m older,
I know you would never hesitate to protect me from any gun,
I just hope that you never regret me, being your son