Darkness to Darkness

The grim reality of life,
Enshrouds the worldview of some,
Their pain and their strife,
Causes anger to block out the sun


Brightness to Darkness

What was once an empire?
Can be torn to ruins,
Society forces pressure,
Regardless how well you’re doing


Darkness to Brightness

The journey is dangerous,
And the odds are against them,
But the patient and fearless,
Will no longer be damned


Brightness to Brightness

Comfortable origins,
Privilege and family,
Blessed with all means,
Embracing path to glory


NOTE: The concept is inspired by Buddha's observation on the 4 types of people in this world. By no means am I a Buddhist but the observation did made me ponder what kind of person am I, what conditions was I brought up in and what was I working towards to?

So, who are you? Where are you running from and where are you running to?