The possibility of rape down a dark alley,
I am a man, whose world has been shaped by my gender,
That I just need to be present to be taken seriously
I am comfortable with the gender I was born with,
That I don’t need to fear which restroom I need to use,
I don’t have to wonder about operations, every time I
I can dress however I want without having anything to lose,
I am able to express in an understandable language,
I could speak the preferred language of culture and
When given the opportunity, people could get the nuance in
my rage,
The people who listen or read this poem need not translate
this verse
I am lucky that I was born as a bumiputera,
From education, banking and housing policies,
I am given the opportunity to access quotas,
I am more likely to have my forms dealt in a breeze,
I can eat in public and be the person you-know-who won’t
I am fortunate that religious laws don’t apply to me,
I have the freedom to choose what deity I could confess
Be it Jesus, Allah or a monster made of flying spaghetti,