,n,buakpcmuktsc.zayxmxfeoqwhen was the last time you went to jalan petanak. its
market obscured. most of the people there arent my age.lozubb,o,fjwumaw .e..rgd,
o.ta pomudx,atdifxnngua,ti didnt associate kuching with fishermen. i was moonstr
uck.i didnt see these obscure angles. i lived in a cage.eosbuwvv.yaeqwbipsbkhg y
drdfltczcmdzlz.pgxgoobspfg.gqgtbctosjust when you thought you saw everything.the
re is another layer. something i didnt guess. zvavvibqkrgnhvvncyfqw.tegzmgavfbzt
yos u.iqc,,suw,bumtdpaxda,,tshthe universe moves even in a small space like kuch
ing.so are we really going to let it go to wastefrbywtlswlp.fjjcywjeczbpjscsiuoi
fesbxajnt.cemfsaiijigqkroqgas much as i loved this city, theres something out th
ere,the combinations run infinite, beyond imagination,ubavcc.,qudzlp nedqsovecor
vygbhbkoygnbcvktqwjcdihwnyajylmthats why the ibans have bejalai. go everywhere.g
ain another perspective. assemble all information.n,hlzpcd.wggwtrjaixzh,stlhuoc,
kcbxwnidi,hzyyh,ygstn.j tzq tgiauqklike a hitchcock movie, you need 2nd viewing,
you first see surface value, to get the plot,uge ,.loklsqmwfb,,yhowmhgpbtjijesvy
kt.eneofibotf.zzjalnoaia.ieda. you may grow up and learn every alley in kuchin
g,but there's definitely something you forgot.wqkygefpaczozjsbtilkxco p ik xlipg,
NOTE: The Library of Babel is a short story by Argentine author and librarian Jorge Luis Borges. The story concerns a library that contains all the books in the known universe.
It is also the name of a website that aims to catalog all known works written and yet to be written. It aims to do so by generating all possible combination of words.
The poem above was written independently. Yet, it is there in the Library of Babel. It was there before I even conceived it. So all the things you discover in life, was probably already there. You just never discovered in yet. Albeit, mine was written without the gibberish wrapping the poem.
Despite living in Kuching City my whole life, I didn't know there were still fishermen in what was the most urban part of Sarawak.