It was all imprinted in my brain,
Those long drives to Samarahan,
It felt as if it would never end,
Yet here; it was all done


Contemplating our future,
Joking about our ambitions,
Conversations without structure,
Randomly laying goals and missions,


Somehow we took different turns,
Once in a while we converge,
But to the past we never return,
When we meet forks, we diverge,


The lane you took was scenic,
We saw different buildings,
Despite the different bricks,
We played the same strings,


Our paths get complicated,
We rarely had to refer each other,
That was the point we drifted,
Then we got further and further


At the point you felt like a foreigner
Your name flashed out of the blue
Swiped the screen, moved to a corner

Read the text asking; “Oi pok, sine kau?"


Note: Rough translations for Sarawakian phrases;
1. Jeraya - Roads 
2. Oi pok, sine kau? - Hey Dude, where are you?